Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Apology To the world

This Apology goes to alot of people Ive offended and many that there is still a bridge that needs mending and some bridges will probably stay broke. I ask my self a lot. What did i do wrong? Is it really my Fault? Many Questions circle around my tiny brain and yet no answer comes EXCEPT that its my Fault. And it is my Fault there's no way around it. But for people who know me very well there's a part of me that has always gotten the best of me I call it PRIDE you can call it ARROGANCE. Even in my most weakest states people seem to see me as a arrogant person than what God has made which is human. For my outer display i apolgize for everything please be slow to judge and slow to anger its something I've been working on. The one thing people don't relize is how broken i really am. No I don't cry my self to sleep every night but my heart aches every time i do some one wrong, My heart aches when i see things I could of done but never had the GUTs to do. You don't see me when i go to bed and pray for every one who hates me and dislikes me. The prideful part of me thinks its stupid pray for blessings for people who don't want anything to do with me. But I do it not because its Scriptual and not because i should, but i have it in my heart that would rather see you succeed than to see u broken like me. You see if you look at me on the outside all you will see is what you want to see but look into my heart then only then will you understand me.

I Love this Illustration I thought of this when I thought of the New Year
That If you looked at me right now all you would see is clay statue broken in to pieces. And the Maker looks and see's his piece of art just broken and in Disarray. You would think with any thing broken why not just throw it away it has no use it serves no purpose. But no He loves that piece of work ,he loves me so much that instead of casting me in the trash or the furnace he uses me with new clay mends me back together. Using the old clay and mixing it with the new.

You see Friend Even though i am made with new clay the old clay is still there making me not perfect to the worlds view but perfect in the makers view.

To say i was wrong is an understatement. To say I've hurt people again is an understatement. But I'm not angry,upset at what has happen discouraged yes who wouldn't be but must we continue with negetive feelings being shot back with negetive feelings. This world doesn't need need this now. No one needs this now. I dont expect anything back from you but your forgiveness its just time to move on. I will never take this back though I still love you as a friend.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi Every one my name is Jason Pepin. I am a pretty neat guy if i had a say in anything. This Blog i think will be a way so that i can express my self show people the insightful side of me. But also the side of me that people like. As in the funny random side of me. Basically its just going to be me :-P. First things First Stuff about me. I am Christian, I have very strong roots in that. Secondly I like to have fun. Right now my new hobby is learning the bass guitar. I am currently in a band but we have no name yet lol I think it should be Silas Cry but it has not happened yet. Another thing is i am very active when my hearts into something i would rather give 100% into something than give 90%. Another thing quick thing about me is I am in the National Guard. That means I still live in Maine but also I do serve my country as a week end warrior :-P. I Got Friends but not as many as i used to have.